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Project Type

Nail design book


Mar 2024



「AIkawaiinails - AI生成画像ネイルデザイン集」は、最新のAI技術を活用して制作されたユニークで美しいネイルデザインを集めたビジュアルブック。



"AIkawaiinails - AI-generated image nail design collection" is a visual book that collects unique and beautiful nail designs created using the latest AI technology.
It is packed with a new sense of art that combines AI and Japan's "kawaii" culture, and features a wide range of designs, from trendy designs to unique and artistic designs.
Starm handles all aspects of planning, composition, editing, and publication.

In the past, this book was sold at Book store in Jimbocho, Tokyo.
(Currently finished)

Production background:
This book was created as part of expanding the possibilities of creation using AI.
The themes are ``fusion of AI and kawaii,'' ``Japanese cute culture,'' and ``gal nails,'' and our desire is to deliver works that are exciting to look at.

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